File under: LOLWAT
The attached morsel of bizarre animation was created by The Line over a two year period of unpaid night-and-weekends work. It was directed by Sam Taylor and Bjørn-Erik Aschim but, like most passion projects of this calibur, couldn’t have come together without a supporting cast of creatives who generously donated their time and skills.
You can see a full list of who contributed here but I wanted to call out one in particular, Box of Toys Audio, who supplied the excellent sound design. It’s easy to underestimate how much credible foley work can add to a film but, from my point of view, having audio that ‘sells it’ is one of the key contributors to its immersive potential. The first two minutes and fifty seconds are awash in pedestrian, familiar noises – the bark of a dog, the rattle of a chain link fence or the ‘bop’ of a fully inflated ball – that, when the soundscape shifts as the cube descends, you have no doubt that something alien has just entered the scene.
P.S. The Line also created Easy, a color-drenched gorgeously animated music video we posted last month that’s absolutely worth your time.
[ Everything I Can See From Here ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 16, 2013 in Videos | tags: alien, animation, bizarre, bjørn-erik aschim, box of toys audio, colorful, hd, horror, lolwat, sam taylor, the line, trippy
It just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going…
[ I heard Imgur likes perfectly looping gifs ]
posted by respondcreate on Mar. 18, 2013 in Pictures | tags: animated gif, lol, lolwat, loop, trippy, wat
“Neurologists claim that stuck songs are like thoughts we’re trying to suppress. The harder we try not to think about them, the more we can’t help it. The phenomenon is also known as earworms, and the ongoing ‘dim di da da dum’ causes a kind of brain itch you can’t scratch.”
File under: LOLWAT
A gorgeous, colorful, tightly-executed morsel of weird by Esben Fisker, Rune Fisker and Pawel Binczycki of Benny Box. Enjoy!
[ Jazz that nobody asked for ]
posted by respondcreate on Mar. 10, 2013 in Videos | tags: animation, benny box, bizarre, colorful, esben fisker, hd, jazz, lolwat, music, pawel binczycki, rune fisker
File under: LOLWAT
Fabrice Fiteni cooked up this colorful, psychedelic treat at Supinfocom.
P.S. If you enjoyed the attached you’ll probably love The External World, too.
[ Cosmic Jungle ]
posted by respondcreate on Jan. 01, 2013 in Videos | tags: animation, bizarre, colorful, dogs, eye candy, fabrice fiteni, hd, lolwat, psychedelic, trippy, wat
File under: LOLWAT
NSFW Disclaimer: If you couldn’t already tell from the tease plate above, this video is a veritable bag-o-animated-dicks so you probably shouldn’t watch this at work.
There’s something inexplicably wonderful about professionally executing such a ridiculous premise. Paul Jaulmes, Guillamume Cunis and Boris Croisé made the attached while at Supinfocom Arles and would like it to be the first in a – ahem – longer series so, if you want to see more phallus-centric adventures, head over to their aptly named ‘The Willies’ Indie-Go-Go site and donate some euros.
P.S. Hit up our Supinfocom feed for more rad student-created animated shorts.
[ Wanted Melody ]
posted by respondcreate on Dec. 11, 2012 in Videos | tags: 3d, animation, bizarre, boris croisé, french, guillamume cunis, hd, lol, lolwat, nsfw, paul jaulmes, supinfocom, the willies, wild west
File under: LOLWAT
Alexis Beaumont and Rémi Godin bring the bizarre for Parisian indie outfit Stuck In The Sound. Thanks for sending this our way, victor! Cheers!
[ Stuck In The Sound - Let's Go ( official music video ) ]
posted by respondcreate on Dec. 02, 2012 in Videos | tags: alexis beaumont, animation, bizarre, colorful, growing up, hd, lolwat, moon, music video, rémi godin, space, stuck in the sound, trippy
“Drawn in their distinctive 80s-inspired kaleidoscopic style, the Layzells take us on a surreal romp through a richly textured cartoon world dreamed up by a hallucinating out-of-work animator.”
File under: LOLWAT
A surreal-silly-psychedelic-good-times romp created at Blink for Adam Buxton‘s new ‘comedy-meets-music-video’ series, BUG, on Sky Atlantic HD. Best served at the height of your sesh in full-screen HD. This one’s a treat; ENJOY!
P.S. The Layzell Brothers (who illustrated/animated/directed the attached) are also responsible for the super-bizarre Reindeer and om-y 8-Bit Mazes so give those a gander when you’re done here.
[ Adam Buxton 'Livin In The Sunlight, Lovin In The Moonlight' ]
posted by respondcreate on Aug. 30, 2012 in Videos | tags: adam buxton, animation, bizarre, blinkink, colorful, drugs, hd, jim stoten, layzell brothers, lolwat, psychedelic, surreal, tiny tim, trippy, wat
“I think you should go. I don’t want you here.”
File under: LOLWAT
Cheers to Mickey Gral for sending this potent dose of bizarre by Julia Pott our way. Enjoy!
[ Belly ]
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 27, 2012 in Videos | tags: animation, bizarre, dark, hand drawn, hd, julia pott, lolwat, ocean, royal college of art, trippy, whale
A whimsical, super-fun and bizarre seven-minute treat. Cheers to Alex Vial, Martin Brunet, Leslie Martin and Matthieu Garcia (of Supinfocom) for the stellar visuals as well as Neal Williams and Julien Bégault who handled the music and sound design, respectively.
When you’re done watching the attached be sure to check out the other fantastic shorts created by Supinfocom students that we’ve posted to the site. Enjoy!
[ OZO ]
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 14, 2012 in Videos | tags: alex vial, animation, bizarre, colorful, hd, julien bégault, leslie martin, lolwat, martin brunet, matthieu garcia, nature, neal williams, premiumfilms, supinfocom, whimsical
“Join this lovable crew of droids as they solve their differences the only way dubstep robots know how.”
File under: LOLWAT
[ Dubstep Dispute ]
posted by respondcreate on Jul. 04, 2012 in Videos | tags: animation, colorful, dubstep, electronic music, fluxel media, jason giles, lolwat, robots, trippy
File under: LOLWAT
Thanks, twins are weird!
[ Cee Cee's Bedtime Stories #1 - The First Time Cee Cee Did Acid ]
posted by respondcreate on Jun. 17, 2012 in Videos | tags: acid, animation, bizarre, drugs, hd, lol, lolwat, twins are weird, wat
File under: LOLWAT
Bizarre, polygonal visuals from Marco Morandi set to some ethereal, atmospheric tunes by Ninca Leece. Thanks again, internet!
[ Feed me rainbows ]
posted by respondcreate on May. 17, 2012 in Videos | tags: bears, bizarre, colorful, dance, deer, electronic music, lolwat, music video, ninca leece, polygons, trippy, wat
File under: LOLWAT
Absolutely diggin’ this bizarre, hyper-violent animated short by Chinese director/animator/illustrator SeanSoong. Enjoy!
[ 地铁大逃杀 - SUB WARS ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 29, 2012 in Videos | tags: animation, ayo_chen, bizarre, china, hd, lolwat, seansoong, star wars, trippy, violence
The first thought that popped into my brain after watching the attached: I want to go to there. The second? 2veinte should develop this into a 30 minute show. No dialogue, no traditional story arcs; just weird, bursting-with-candy-color visuals backed with arcadey, reminiscent-of-a-Casio-keyboard-demo-mode tunes. WHOWOULDN’TWANTTOWATCHTHATAMIRITE??
2veinte is giving away free Psychic Land posters to fifty random fans of theirs on Facebook. They don’t seem like the constantly-spamming-your-newsfeed-type so if you want a chance to win some rad art for your wall you might want to head on over; the effort-expended-to-possible-reward ratio skews generously in your favor.
Oh, and be sure to check out Let’s Face Symmetry – also by 2veinte – which we posted back in August.
[ Psychic Land ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 08, 2012 in Videos | tags: 2veinte, alien, animation, bizarre, colorful, geometric, hd, lolwat, lucas totino tedesco, pablo gostanian, wat
File Under: LOLWAT
Visuals by Dead Walter (a.k.a. Cyrille Chauvin, Guillaume Dousse, Thibaud Petitpas and Pierre Rutz) with ‘choons from Dirty Deeds. Enjoy!
[ My Bloody Lad - Dead Walter - WIZZdesign ]
posted by respondcreate on Apr. 02, 2012 in Videos | tags: animation, bizarre, colorful, cyrille chauvin, dark, dead walter, french, gobelins, guillaume dousse, hd, horror, lolwat, pierre rutz, thibaud petitpas, wizz
“A surreal journey through a mysterious hospital that alters the perception of physical beauties.”
File under: LOLWAT
Today’s dose of bizarre is graciously provided by Beomsik Shimbe Shim, a South Korean-born filmmaker/animator currently working in Los Angeles. Enjoy the ride!
[ "The Wonder Hospital" (Full version - official) ]
posted by respondcreate on Mar. 20, 2012 in Videos | tags: animation, beomsik shimbe shim, bizarre, dark, hd, lolwat, mind bending, surreal
“As darkness is covering the multiverse, far away in the galaxy of the wild stallion, a spark of hope is born. Guided by the light of Mother Mustang, the Space Stallions must defeat the Demon of darkness, Destructo.”
File under: LOLWAT
Some fresh, silly, colorful, bizarre, wonderful and well-executed work by seven students – Thorvaldur S. Gunnarsson, Jonatan Brüsch, Ágúst Kristinsson, Arna Snæbjørnsdottir, Esben J. Jespersen, Touraj Khosravi and Polina Bokhan – from The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark. Special mentions are due to both Friðfinnur Oculus Sigurðsson and Thomas Christensen who composed the music and sound design, respectively. How rad would it be if Space Stallions got picked up by Adult Swim?
Click here to see more films created by students from The Animation Workshop on The Tripatorium™.
[ Space Stallions ]
posted by respondcreate on Feb. 07, 2012 in Videos | tags: ágúst kristinsson, animation, arna snæbjørnsdottir, bizarre, colorful, esben j. jespersen, hd, jonatan brüsch, lolwat, polina bokhan, the animation workshop, thorvaldur s. gunnarsson, touraj khosravi
Merry Christmas, friends! I first saw this very-apt-for-the-site bit of animation on December 27th of last year and have been saving it ever since to share with all of you today. It’s from a series of five short idents created by Matt Layzell, Bishoy Gendi, Michael Gendi, Jonathan Harris and Daniel Boyle of Treat Studios for E4, “to surprise people with something really anti-christmas, and transform something boring into something amazing.” All of them are fantastically bizarre and definitely worth a watch:
Oh, and a big thanks to both Harry Peppit and Sam Lillard who sent these our way via our suggestion box and Facebook wall this past September. Cheers, guys!
[ Reindeer ]
posted by respondcreate on Dec. 25, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, bizarre, christmas, colorful, hd, layzell brothers, lolwat, matt layzell, reindeer, treat studios, trippy
“No one gets out of here alive,
In the melee there are many ways to cry.
Who knows where the gunshots are coming from;
Those who’ve been picked off aren’t saying much.”
File under: LOLWAT
Sub Pop Records: Purveyors of fine tunes and rad music videos. Corey Adams and Alex Craig bring the bizarre with some fantastic direction that channels Mister Heavenly‘s signature ‘doom wop’ vibe. It’s deliciously whacked-out-weird. Enjoy!
[ Mister Heavenly - Bronx Sniper (OFFICIAL VIDEO) ]
posted by respondcreate on Dec. 12, 2011 in Videos | tags: alex craig, bizarre, corey adams, hd, lolwat, mister heavenly, music video, ravenhouse ltd., sub pop, violence
Ann wrote in with a hyperlink to this 57 second long animation that David OReilly (remember ??????) made for Tim & Eric’s Saint’s Row promotional short film, “Professor Genki’s Super Ethical Reality Climax” accompanied by a single sentence, “you could definitely file this under lolwat”. Her categorization was dead on and we initialized our patent-pending Post To The Internet™ sequence as we figured it’d be something most of you would enjoy. One of the steps involved in the aforementioned ritual is checking if the artist in question – in this case David – has anything better that should be posted instead. He does!
The masthead of his website reads: ANIMATION, 3D, INTERNET, EPHEMERAL DRIVEL, FLEETING DISTRACTION, NONSENSE, CATS ETC and, according to that rubric, The External World delivers. It’s seventeen minutes of seemingly-disparate-at-first-but-eventually-interconnected infinitely bizarre vignettes. It’s awesome.
I should mention that an HD quicktime of this film is available for download if you’re willing to part with about $5. The purchase has no real value and is essentially ceremonial as The External World is freely available on both Vimeo and the ‘Tubes but, I decided to buy it anyways. Why? Well, for one, supporting art just feels good man. I also want to affirm this type of behavior and do what I can to fund whatever David will create next. Maybe you’ll consider doing it, too? In the meantime: enjoy the weirdness.
posted by respondcreate on Nov. 13, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, bizarre, cats, colorful, david oreilly, hd, lolwat, mind bending, trippy