“Cartoon Network recently put together a crew of animators from around the world to create their new summer ident in the form of an animated exquisite corpse. Each team/animator was given 10 seconds of music, 4 colours and tons of Cartoon Network characters to work with. At the end of the project, in true exquisite corpse fashion, each piece was stiched together. This is the result!”
Absolutely loving this Voltron of rad animation Cartoon Network commissioned for their Summer 2013 ident. The talent (in order of appearance): Alex Grigg & Eamonn O’Neill (of Late Night Work Club fame), Impactist (who also provided the soundtrack to the attached), CRCR, Rubber House and Awesome Incorporated.
[ Cartoon Network Summer Ident 2013 ]
posted by respondcreate on Jun. 09, 2013 in Videos | tags: adventure time, alex grigg, animation, awesome incorporated, cartoon network, colorful, crcr, eamonn o'neill, exquisite corpse, hd, impactist, rubber house, trippy
We’ve featured the work of Kelly Meador and Daniel Elwing (a.k.a. impactist) on the site before so it was no surprise when we found out this little astronomy-themed vignette came from them. Per the impactist M.O. they handle everything from the visuals to the music. The latter can be found for purchase here at the super-affordable rates of $1 a single or $3 for an EP (my personal favorites are the Last Heist and Color Fields & Wagon Wheels EPs). When you support art at reasonable prices you get more art at reasonable prices (sometimes for free). OK, enough with the soapbox. Enjoy your weekend, friends!
P.S. Thanks for all the fantastic submissions that have been coming in lately, we’re working our way through them!
[ Parallelostory ]
posted by respondcreate on May. 13, 2011 in Videos | tags: animation, astronomy, hd, impactist, love, science, space
IMPACTIST (a.k.a. Kelly Meador & Daniel Elwing) are, “a directing duo with a diverse background in film production, design, animation, music, and the fine arts.” Their music reminds me a lot of Tycho and Ulrich Schnauss but is wholly unique in it’s whimsy, playfulness and minimalism. It’s very very nice, really. The little promotional videos they create to highlight what they are up to are a treat as well; I especially love how they combine ‘crunchy’ mediums like Super 8 with exacting colorful and modern geometric animations.
posted by respondcreate on Nov. 26, 2010 in Videos | tags: animation, electronic music, impactist, minimal, super 8, trippy