I came across this little gem last night when I was browsing around the Vimeo Staff pics (one of the mountain-born tributaries that regularly flow down into rivière de La Tripatorium™) and knew it had to be posted soon as possible. Soon after, I checked the submissions and found out that one of our readers, Dan Allen, had send it in that very same day. KISMET!
On the Mueller scale of trippiness – as I’m sure you recall from your third grade earth-science lessons – ‘No Brain’ rates at a respectable 9.2835/10 which puts it in league with such favorites as The Music Scene, Combination Spawns and The Parachute Ending. In other words: shit is dope.
You know the drill: volume up, lights dimmed, headphones on and full-screen. Oh! Right! The credits! Direction by Fleur & Manu, production DIVISION Paris and post production by MATHEMATIC. Enjoy!
Related: If you dug this then you’ll definitely enjoy Rogier van der Zwaag’s video for Grindin’ by Nobody Beats The Drum.
[ Etienne de Crecy - No Brain ]
posted by respondcreate on May. 17, 2011 in Videos | tags: abstract, animation, colorful, division paris, electronic music, etienne de crecy, fleur & manu, fractals, french, hd, music video, pixel art, pixelate, trippy